More Than a Summer Job
Ever want to be part of something truly special? Ever want to make a lasting difference? Are you looking for a summer job that will open up endless opportunities post college? Are you looking to enhance your skills at your current job?
Training begins 7/2 for a week. During that time you will learn about our work and our campers. We serve three meals a day and snacks, while you train. There are breaks during which you will go swimming and try out the activities for campers.
You will be living in a cabin with your campers. There is air conditioning! Many of the comforts of home are gone. But you are given the gift of being present with your peers working together towards a goal greater than yourself.
Experiences Remembered
You love children. You will get to be a positive role model in kids lives. The smallest ripple will start something great. You may not even know it when it happens, but something small will be something great to a child, leading them on to extraordinary things.
We are not at RYC to be parents or supervisors. You will be this child’s role model, their mentor and their friend. The days will be long, they will even be hot (What else is there in Florida?), but the memories created here will echo in your mind the rest of your life.
Your Friends With Internships Are Falling Asleep Behind The Desk
Many of your friends will be pushing paper and doing menial tasks as they fulfill the obligations of their internships this summer. RYC counselors will be learning real marketable skills that will make you more attractive to future employers.
Camp is the place to develop the skills needed to succeed, especially the non-cognitive skills.
Oral Communication
Teamwork and Collaboration
These skills are in abundance at camp.
We will help you build the narrative that will land that future job—pretty much anywhere. Is there a place where those skills aren’t needed?
It's a summer experience of a lifetime.